Thursday 20 January 2011

Key Media Words

Composition - Composition is the complete arrangement of the scene by the director. It includes the Camera angles, Editing, Footage, movement, lighting and also the characters used. Its the plan, place and arrangement of the scene. 

Framing- Framing referes to the camera work of a video media, it referes to the size and the proportion of the objects, characters and props within the whole frame.

 "It is an inevitable process of selective influence over the individual's perception of the meanings attributed to words or phrases. A frame defines the packaging of an element of rhetoric in such a way as to encourage certain interpretations and to discourage others."

Rule of Thirds - the rule of thirds is a media term which referes too how things are presented and proportionalised within the frame. 'The theory is that if you place points of interest in the intersections or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally' 

Rule of Third Example 

Connotation - connotation within media relates to the associated or secondary meaning of a word orexpression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning: Apossible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth,comfort, and affection. For example within my film the title - Divine Decree is another way of saying karma, this then relates to the frase what goes around comes around. The title suggests horror and also alot of revenge although it is not directly addressed. The use of dark colours within the opening 'connotes' the film is going to be quite scary. 

Denotation - Denotation referes to the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a wordor expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meaningsassociated with it or suggested by it. It is the litereal description of what something is. 

Mise-en-Scene -
 is w
hat is placed in a scene, or more specifically how individual shots in a film are composed. The content of a shot may include setting, lighting, spatial relationships etc. The term originally referred to the scenery and setting of a play, or the visible surroundings of an event. The assembly of objects within a space e.g. lights, dress, costume, gesture, make-up, behaviour etc

Genre -  

A specific type of film, newspaper, radio or television production. Examples of genre in film are action films, musicals, love stories, westerns, Sci fi, horror, documentary and T.V soaps. In audio examples are drive time, news, music radio and radio soaps. In print examples are comics, broadsheets, tabloids and magazines.

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