Thursday 13 January 2011

Evaluation - Question 7

At the beginning of this project i had a brief knowledge on camera angle's, camera shots and the different aspects of filming etc however I was not experienced with using the filming equipment or some of the software such as Premiere Pr. However after much practise throughout the project I feel I have gained lots of knowledge on both the technological software/hardware used and now feel very confident using the software. 

After re watching and evaluating the preliminary task i feel i have progressed alot mainly concerning the camera angles and the editing because I have obviously become more confident using the equipment. I have been able to use the prelim task as guidence on what i did well and also to learn from my mistakes and what went wrong.

Obviously in comparision to my final film opening my preliminary  task was reasonably short meaning that there was a limit of angles, shots and editing techniques i could use, however there was still many more shots/angles I could have used when filming to make it more intresting, but i did stil use quite a variety of shots such as: 

  • an over the sholder shot 
  • 180 degree rule
  • continuity shot 
  • match on action 
  • And many more
by using these shots in my prelim task I was able to use them well within my film opening due to the fact that i had practised. 

I have learnt how to use a range of shots and camera angles to make the footage look more effective and scary. Within my opening sequence I used shots varying from: wide establishing shots, Close Ups, Extreme Close Ups, Tilt Shots, continuity shots, following shots, mid shots, medium close ups, Two Shots, match on action, panning shots and I did attempt a vertigo shot however it did not go as expected and the finished piece did look better without it ! 

As well as using the abouve shots effectivley I also used a variety of camera angles to make the filming look more interesting and also to again add tension and eeriness into the opening. For example i used a low angle shot to appear as if some one was creeping up on the person and watchin them from below - however the character was totally oblivious to this still. I also used a high angle shots to represent some one watching from abouve and also again to make the shot more interesting. I used eyelevel shots also and POV shots so the audience would feel in the characters shoes. 

Prelim Shots 

Following Shot

Continuity shots  


Over the Sholder shot 

180 degree rule 

Opening Sequence shots 
 Close Up

Extreme Close Up  
 Following Wide shot 
 Mid shot/ 180 degree rule 
 Establishing Shot 
 Panning Shot
 POV shot 
 Two shot 
 High Angle shot 
 Medium close up/ Low angle 
 Continuity Shot 

As you can see throughout my project I have learnt many new camera angles and shots and have applied them well to my film opening! 

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