Thursday, 4 November 2010

Production Log for Divine Decree

Thursday 4th November 2010

Today I came up with 3 film ideas to base my opening sequence on, firstly about some high school bullies who get what iscoming to them when the girl they drove to death gets revenge. I gained my ideas for this from sorority row. 

My second idea was about friendship, based on 2 best friend who had grown up together, when one gets cancer, a transplant is the only thing that can save her, the best friends a match, however both girls fail to comply with justone kidney after their operatoin and as fate takes matters into its own hands the girls start to realise how much they have missed out so far on life. Here i gained my inspiation from my sisters keeper. 

My third idea was about a girl awho was going cubbing to meet her friends & a 'boy' she had been chatting to over the interent, hours in to the evening she dissapears to find this boy, but never returns, hands tied in the back of a van she realises her friends were right. 

To help with getting inspiration for my film i also watched a variety of film openings and trailers on youtube, i think that i have done quite wel with coming up with three ideas, was they are relativley different however quite interesting and mysterious. 

Monday 8th November 2010

Today i chose which film idea I was to choose for my opening titles, i chose the first idea however I altered it slightly due to the fact that i thought the final out come would be better. 

Thursday 11th November 2010 & Monday 15th November 2010

During these two days I created a variety of media documents to help me when filming my opening titles - i created a storyboard, script, Shotlist, Production Schedule, asset list and also various other things such as a film title and font styles. I also took the camera home to start filming. I also practised with the camera for a small amount of time to ensure that I was to know what I was doing and how to using the filming equiptment when it came t0 filming. I also took the camera home today so that I could film my opening when home. 

Over the next 2 weeks I continued to practise with the camera equipment and also with the editing equipment to ensure that I would be comfortable when filming, i also continued with my story board etc. I made sure that my blog was up to date and added my production schedule, asset list, script etc - all very important when filming.

Monday 6th December

I started filming for my opening sequence at my house this evening, overall it went very well and was able to get alot done, it so far looks very good - I have filmed alot of footage which I hope will be relavent and useable within my opening - after looking back there are many pieces that need to be cut out however there is some good footage involved. 

Thursday 9th November 2010 

Today I did some more filming for 'Divine Decree' i also used my lesson time to ensure that I was up to date with my blog, I also added some of my footage onto adobe premier pro and started to edit my film clips

Sunday 12th December

I was able to finish the filming off for my opening title today, again the filming went well - the 'actresses' all turned up on time and the weather was dry and fitted my storyboard well,  was able to use the camera well and again followed my storyboard sticking as closely to it as possible however alternating parts if they did not look right, i ensured that all filming was done today so I can get on with the editing tomorrow. 

Monday 13th December  

I continued with my editing today on Adobe Premier Pro, everything captured well and i was able to get some good clips from the footage i had taken, i captured within small pieces to make it easier to edit and cut, i got alot done within this 3 hour lesson almost half way. Throughout the day i also used spare time to ensure that i would meet the deadline 

Thursday 16th December 
I finished editing Divine Decree today and was very please with the out come everything went well and found some good royalty free music to go with the storyline which i think works very well. My piece has come out well and i think that i have created an effective and professional looking film opening 

Throughout i was constantly updating and checking my blog to ensure that nothing was left out and so it was detailed. 

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