Thursday, 4 November 2010

Film opening Ideas

I have come up with 3 main ideas for the titles and opening of a new fiction film, I have come up with ideas in different genres to give more of a variety and choice into the film opening I would like to make, the first idea was within the Horror Genre.

Idea 1 
 My idea for this was to base the story around a 16 year old girl who has been bullied ever since starting school being slightly strange due to her strong belief in the devil and paranormal activity, no one took much notice of her warnings and continued to bully her -  distraught and suicidal she takes her life,  no one batters an eyelid, no one remembers who she is until her mobile is found and the disturbing paranormal experiences she experienced becomes a reality, as the young girls study the phone  they begin to realise 'the wierdo' thats now gone may have been the only one to help them, as they continue to search through the phone more and more secrets become unlocked, more and more evil is released and more and more trouble begins to head their way.  From 4 normal lives the girls begin to live a nightmare, reliving Jades life of torment from their bullying, but in a way they would never imagine, and as a 'stranger' calls they begin to realize that their tormenter knows them only too well and wont stop until revenge has been had

I would call this Devils Calling, and would use a range of footage including footage of 4 girls, mobile phones ringing, strange paranormal activities, I may also include a voice over of the young girl who had been bullied to make it more effective. Images of memories relived would also be added to introduce the setting and also a variety of objects close up to create tension. 

There would be not much  talking in this film opening to create tension and also enigma about the film, however there would be mobile phone sounds (text message alerts) and also a rhythm in the background to make it more tense. The titles within the production would be basic text to fit in with the modern films  connotations today.  

I would vary the shots used within this film opening alot with close up of mobile phones to establishing shots of the graveyard where she Jade has supposedly been buried. 

I got my inspiration from this film from a few horror films such as sority row - due to the fact there is a group of girls used within this film who have done wrong in there life, it is also along the same lines as saw due to the fact that the people who have caused other people problems have to pay for this in an unimaginable way - however my film will not be as gory as this! 

The genre for my second film was friendship. I based the story on 2 girls who have grown up 2 doors apart ever since they was 2 years old - inseparable they were like sisters and had so many plans and enthusiasm for their life to come - approaching 21 they had their whole lives ahead of them and a load of events planned,however fate had other plans and as the day to celebrate ones 21st birthday devastating news is received, which will change both of their lives, Crystal has been informed she has cancer of the kidney, and without a donar will have only months to live, after looking for hundreds to fit, they have one last try, Hope (the best friend) fortunatley it is a match however after the opperation both girls fail to recover and are both told they have a limited time to live, the 2 girls embark on a journey where all they have ever dreamed of doing is done... they know that there life is to short to worry about little things so whatever opportunity comes along they no longer hesitate to take it up - their lifestyles are totally changed and so are their views on life. 

My inspiration for this opening title came from the film my sisters keeper - this is about a girl who was generically made to help save her sisters life who has cancer, this is upon the same principle apart from the fact that they are both closest of friends and they were not made to help save one another if an illness happened to affect one of them - unlike my sisters keeper both girls do not recover from there operation and therefore they spend the time they have left together doing things they have always dreamed of. However after both girls sadly pass there is an inquest into reasons why they have both died, as a shocking discovery is made both girls parents do not hesitate to find the man that caused this tragedy. 

The third film idea I had was about a group of 5 close friends, celebrating their graduation they head happily for the local club unaware of the problems they are to face as one of the girls swans off to meet a 'lad' she has been talking to over Facebook, blissfully unaware of the experience she is about to comprehend and despite the disapproval of her closest friends she brainlessly dissapears into the sea of people, in hope she will find her Facebook 'friend','her knight' and sure enough she does but her excitement soon turns to fear and anxiety as she awakes in the back of a truck hands tied, and gagged to see a middle aged man peering deeply into her eyes. 

The disapproval and words of her friends continues to flood back to her, as she feels all hope has gone, however by the next day she is reported missing, as her friends begin a bid to save her they too don't realise what they are about to comprehend, with their identities also being leaked their friendship becomes stronger but group becomes weaker as girls are lost along the way. 

I think this would be a good film to make as internet abuse and fake identities are big problems in society today particularly on social networking sites it would be therefore beneficial for both the male and female gender to understand the consequences of meeting and talking to the wrong people. It would be called That Knight - a play on words considering the knight the girl thinks she will meet and also the night it happened. It would be narrated by the first girl to go missing to make it more realistic and touching. 
My inspiration from this came from the film Taken, due to the fact it shows how stupidity and how leaking your identity and details to strangers can cause a whole lot of fear and terror for a number of people ...

Taken Trailer 

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