Monday, 22 November 2010

Divine Decree - Film Opening Planning


Font & Title Ideas 

Girl answering phone - Hello, Hello, hello, hello then screams

Bullies  - Satan, Loser, Freak (general nasty comments)
Victim of Bullying - Leave me alone

end of film - LEAVE ME ALONE (shouted) 

Shotlist for Divine Decree

Shot 1 - Establishing High angle shot (pans slowly of houses through rails)
Shot 2 High angled mid shot (zooms in slowly) of mobile phone laying in gutter 
Shot 3 - Extreme close up of screen (unknown number)
Shot 4 - High angle shot, mid shot of girl reaching mobile phone then fades to black
Shot 5 - Picks up phone mid shot - screams and runs off 
Shot 6 - Two weeks earlier appears on screen - flashes to the past
Shot 7 - Low angle establishing shot of trees - fades to white 
Shot 8 - Low anngle, following tilt shot of 3 girls following younger girl - fades to white
Shot 9 - POV shot 
Shot 10 - High angle wide shot of girls bullying abby (180 degree rule)  - fades to wbite - Girl walks off goes inverted
Shot 11 - 2 shot, pan of girls 
Shot 12 - Fast Pan of fences - Eye level shot - inverted - close up
Shot 13 - High angle shot of Girl in cabin - fades to white
Shot 14 - High angle shot of girl sitting at table - wide shot
Shot 15 - Close up, eye level shot of tablets
Shot 16 - Mid close up of car 
Shot 17 - Pan shot of gate - medium close up
Shot 18 - Following shot - long shot (continuity shot)
Shot 19 - close up of door handle/hand on door - high angled
Shot 20 - continuity shot - high angled of door opening
Shot 21 - Low angled mid close up of feet (flashes back to previous scenes)
Shot 22 - Tilt shot of door 
Shot 23 - Mid Shot of Girl 
Shot 24 - Wide Establishing shot of outside of cabin- Low angled 
Shot 25 - divine decree title

Asset List & Production Schedule 

Asset List 
 Actress/Actors x3/4
Phone (unknown Number)
Log Cabin
Kitchen Table
Outside scene - to show where the setting is
Casual costumes 

Tripod - when appropriate

Production Schedule 

Who ? Abby, Bryony, Sophie & Mel (4 main characters within the film opening)
Where? House, Log Cabin, Rural Area, By road
What? Doors, bullying, Girls arguing, Phone, Lights, Darkeness, Cars, tense atmosphere, tablets...
When? Winter, Late at night, and the next morning (for the flash backs)


  1. Hi Hannah your video is fabulous!
    I love the effects you have used to make it more eery and spooky for the viewer. I understood the story you were trying to portray and it really shows you have worked hard with it.
    The setting you used went very well and the music you chose to put with it fitted perfectly.

  2. This is a good opening sequence, the music goes well with the picture and it is a tense piece of film. The effects that have been used have worked well with the story your trying to tell. The acting is important in this film because they are the ones that make the sequence flow and are keeping the audience watching as well as the good effects and sounds used.

    The angle shots and the places you place the camera have been thought about and work well.

    There is not much to be improved on just to work on changing and having different affects.

  3. The phone ringing throughout and after showing the phone saying block help create a tense atmosphere. The use of the different camera angles and shots also assist this really well. The choice of music also helps create the scary tense atmosphere and keeps you on edge throughout.

  4. I think the camera angles and effects used have proven to be very effective in your opening scene, they give an eery effect. The sounds and music used in the film also add great effect to the film, the setting of the film also worked well. My favorite part was at 0:53 when it goes back to two weeks earlier, the camera angles from then on were really good. Over all this film was really well shot, and edited in a good way. There isn't really any way I would improve on it, although for me the beggining wasn't too clear but then again that gives it effect, as it leaves the audience wondering whats going on so they want to watch on and find out.

  5. This video is very tense, and it builds up a lot of emotion. The music gives a good eery affect to the video, and makes the audience want to watch on. This video was obviously very well thought of, and a lot of work has gone into it. Well done

  6. You have used a very good variety of camera angles and effects. All of the effects you have used seem appropriate and work well adding to the atmosphere. The story line is made clear throughout. I love the beginning scenes of the mobile phone and the music you have chosen is perfect.
    As the effects worked so well I think your opening sequence would be improved if you had added a few more different effects.

  7. Hello Hannah,
    I really like the effects you have used throughout your opening sequence it adds emphasis and creates more tension; also the font style used works well with the genre of the film. The story line is really clear; you can see that you have planned the film well so there’s not much to improve.

    Lily’s Comments
