Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Evaluation - Question 5

Music - I used a horror style of music from the very beginning to grab the audiences attention quickly. By adding the music it added atmosphere to the opening and made it more interesting and due to the similar style of music used within the horror film genre it made it look more professional. The high pitches and changes in tempo also add atmosphere and tension to the film opening. 

To attract the target audience i also used characters of a similar age to the audience within the opening within a bullying scenario, and although that revenge may not go the the same extent (as it does in the film) bullying and abuse today is very common and continues to cause people many problems. It therefore means that audience can relate to the film. The style of clothing used also helps to attract the audience as it is modern casual every day wear, and is what we wear today therefore creating more realism about the film.

Genre Conventions -  I used a variety of common horror conventions such as a rural, dark isolated setting, I also used a log cabin in a similar way that friday the 13th and Cabin fever were filmed, these films were very successful, and attracted to audience again due to the fact it is a realistic place and many people do chose to holiday in log cabins, after making the same mistake as the girls within the opening. 
Another typical horror convention i used was the colour's through out, they were very dull and boring, with small hints of colour, suggesting that this film is not for those who enjoy lovey dovey films 

Sound - I did not have much dialogue within my film however i used music to add tension and atmosphere throughout. THe phone used and the ringing within the beginning of the opening also attracted the target audience due to the fact it relates to the youth of today and the new technology which causes many problems, like it begins to show in the film. The small amount of dialogue used helps to create a sense of enigma and mystery as it does not give to much away but still shows that something strange is going on, this keeps the audience interested. The flashbacks also has this effect on the film, we learn what has happened previously but not what is happening as a consequence yet... 

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