Divine Decree - The Title
I chose to call my film Divine Decree for many reasons linking into the film, Divine Decree as a film is the story of a 14 year old girl who has been bullied ever since starting school being slightly strange due to her strong belief in the devil and paranormal activity, no one took much notice of her warnings and continued to bully her - distraught and suicidal she takes her life, no one batters an eyelid, no one remembers who she is until her mobile is found and the disturbing paranormal experiences she experienced becomes a reality, as the young girls study the phone they begin to realise 'the wierdo' thats now gone may have been the only one to help them, as they continue to search through the phone more and more secrets become unlocked, more and more evil is released and more and more trouble begins to head their way.' Therefore after brainstorming for names to call this film I decided that due to the strong relation to karma used within the film I wanted to relate the title to it and as shown below there many words relating to Karma and fortune however I think out of all the titles that Divine Decree worked best, due to the fact that alliteration is used here making it easier to remember in a similar way that the producers named 'dawn of the dead' and also 'the last house on the left' it sounds more mysterious due to the fact that the title is not very long and therefore does not give to much away, I therefore felt that this tied in more with the horror genre my film slots into and worked well with the theme of the film idea.
As well as using a typical style of horror title for my film I also used various other conventions relating to this genre as you can see from my key frames above, I took into account the fact that things seem much more scary and eery during the night time due to mysterious noises and shapes being made which you cannot see to explain what they are, it also appears more scary due to the fact you cant see clearly in front or behind you and will therefore feel less safe and more obliged to stay indoors - especially in a rural area. Therefore I filmed the majority of Divine Decree at night which gave my film a more tense, mysterious and uneasy atmosphere. Most horror films also tend to be filmed in colder environments as this again adds to the eery and discomforting situation the characters are in due to the fact that everything seems much harder when it is colder, and also due to the fact that within the winter the nights are longer and darker. I also chose a rural area to film in as i feel that when an area is quieter more tension is created, it also creates a sense of helplessness as it demonstrates to the audience that there is not many people around the area that will hear you struggle for help. Again most horror films use a rural or quiet environment for example... In the 1980 film the Shining an empty hotel is used as the main location, In Texas Chainsaw massacre the group are taken to a very rural environment where no help is received, this is a similar story within the film wolf creek and also the Happening, and despite the fact that Nightmare on Elm St and also the Saw films take place in environments which are not too rural, they are alone within the buildings, too far to call out for help.
Within the area I chose to film in there was a log cabin and also many fences and trees surrounding it, used this within my film as the log cabin promotes the fact that the film is being filmed rurally and also creates the idea that it is not as secure as a house meaning there is a higher chance of danger and people lurking under the cabin and peering through the large windows - in a similar way to friday the 13th and cabin fever. The trees and fences providing a slightly more secure area it also promotes the fact people could be watching from or through them - and may also act as obsticles when trying to escape, this is used within many horror films as the siloettes created by these are not very clever and promote claw like features and sharp/jagged lines in opposition to a love film where round and smooth shapes are used such as flowers and hearts!

When filming the other part of the opening sequence (in daylight) I again chose to film in a remote setting (as bullies would) so they are not spotted picking on the younger girl, again this makes the film seem more realistic.
I did not use to many props within the film opening to keep a sense of mystery about it, however the phone is a vital key prop within the film due to the fact it holds the girls destiny via the voice on it, and despite the fact the audience are unable to hear what the character is saying within the opening sequence the high pitch scream and unknown number emphasises and promotes the fact that whoever is calling is not imparticularly pleasant! I used the phone within Divine Decree as again it enables the audience to relate to the characters within the film as i'm sure we have all had a few dodgy phone calls and withheld numbers, and as the telephone is now a very common form of communication today (i gained my inspiration from when a stranger calls). I also used a torch to emphasise the darkness and again to promote the fact that the girl does not feel particularly safe in the dark.

As well as using a typical style of horror title for my film I also used various other conventions relating to this genre as you can see from my key frames above, I took into account the fact that things seem much more scary and eery during the night time due to mysterious noises and shapes being made which you cannot see to explain what they are, it also appears more scary due to the fact you cant see clearly in front or behind you and will therefore feel less safe and more obliged to stay indoors - especially in a rural area. Therefore I filmed the majority of Divine Decree at night which gave my film a more tense, mysterious and uneasy atmosphere. Most horror films also tend to be filmed in colder environments as this again adds to the eery and discomforting situation the characters are in due to the fact that everything seems much harder when it is colder, and also due to the fact that within the winter the nights are longer and darker. I also chose a rural area to film in as i feel that when an area is quieter more tension is created, it also creates a sense of helplessness as it demonstrates to the audience that there is not many people around the area that will hear you struggle for help. Again most horror films use a rural or quiet environment for example... In the 1980 film the Shining an empty hotel is used as the main location, In Texas Chainsaw massacre the group are taken to a very rural environment where no help is received, this is a similar story within the film wolf creek and also the Happening, and despite the fact that Nightmare on Elm St and also the Saw films take place in environments which are not too rural, they are alone within the buildings, too far to call out for help.
Within the area I chose to film in there was a log cabin and also many fences and trees surrounding it, used this within my film as the log cabin promotes the fact that the film is being filmed rurally and also creates the idea that it is not as secure as a house meaning there is a higher chance of danger and people lurking under the cabin and peering through the large windows - in a similar way to friday the 13th and cabin fever. The trees and fences providing a slightly more secure area it also promotes the fact people could be watching from or through them - and may also act as obsticles when trying to escape, this is used within many horror films as the siloettes created by these are not very clever and promote claw like features and sharp/jagged lines in opposition to a love film where round and smooth shapes are used such as flowers and hearts!

When filming the other part of the opening sequence (in daylight) I again chose to film in a remote setting (as bullies would) so they are not spotted picking on the younger girl, again this makes the film seem more realistic.
Costumes and Props
Within my film opening the costumes used were of typical teenage girls, casual, fashionable and relativley common, I used these costumes due the the fact that it appeals to the people today because it is what most of us are used to seeing teenage girls wearing and therefore makes the film seem much more realistic whilst enabling people to relate to the sequence of events which occur. Like in a typical film opening the costumes used relate to what people are wearing when the film is released, as it allows the audience to get into their situation and looks much more believable, therefore making the film seem a lot scarier. It also gives the characters an identity so they can be recognized through the film.I did not use to many props within the film opening to keep a sense of mystery about it, however the phone is a vital key prop within the film due to the fact it holds the girls destiny via the voice on it, and despite the fact the audience are unable to hear what the character is saying within the opening sequence the high pitch scream and unknown number emphasises and promotes the fact that whoever is calling is not imparticularly pleasant! I used the phone within Divine Decree as again it enables the audience to relate to the characters within the film as i'm sure we have all had a few dodgy phone calls and withheld numbers, and as the telephone is now a very common form of communication today (i gained my inspiration from when a stranger calls). I also used a torch to emphasise the darkness and again to promote the fact that the girl does not feel particularly safe in the dark.

Camera Work and Editing
Camera work and editing is obviously very important when filming and producing an opening title because it is the first part of the film which the audience are going to be viewing and therefore means that the film may be judged on the opening as first impressions are very important and generally tend to stick in peoples head. I therefore planned my camera angles very thoroughly and watched many horror openings to gain ideas. A variety of camera shots and angles is important as it makes the film opening more interesting. Within Divine Decree I used a range of camera angles and shots ranging from Extreme Long Shots/establishing shots,Long Shots, Full Shots, Medium Shots, Close Ups, Extreme Close-Ups, i also used a range of high/low angle shots s well as following shots and continuity shots - all these helped to make my film opening much more effective for example I used an extreme close up at the beginning of the film (on the phone screen) which zoomed in from a close up to an extreme close up this was effective because it promoted the unknown caller . I used a continuity shot when one of the bullies is running into the cabin which looks very effective because its much quicker but still in an order so the audience knows how they have got from one place to another, it also makes the pace of the film more upbeat and promotes the fact that the character is running. Another shot I used within my opening sequence is a POV shot (point of view shot) this works well as it enables the audience to get into the position of the character making them feel more involved within the audience, these are al typical conventions of a film opening within the horror genre especially the POV shot as the producers want you to feel the tension and feeling of then environment. The POV shot is also used within horror films to show the audience that the victim is being watched, this is filmed through trees and other obsticles and is very effective. Editing is also very important within a film opening, I used a variety of transitions when I edited Divine Decree, I used a many cross cuts and dissolves and also just cuts, these made the opening look much more effective due to the fact it enabled scenes to join together more smoothly. The cross cuts also enabled me to make the bullying scenes seem more like flash backs, this is another common feature used within films such as blade, it again adds a more eery and interesting appeal to the film as it enables you to learn as an audience how the characters used to be and now how much their lives have changed, this helps to add not only emotion to the story line but also makes it easier to understand because it explains characters pasts - such as on Freddy Cruger (nightmare on Elm St)
the editing is also a very important aspect as within all films there are some parts which are not appropriate to be shown or make the film seem more effective without it, editing enables producers to take the useless clips out and rearrange the footage to make a much scarier, upbeat and interesting film.
Title Font and Style
I have used quite a plain and simple font for my opening titles, the reason for this is because in most modern day films the text is generally quite plain so it is easier to read and so it does not take the attention away from the footage, it also helps to keep the film looking professional. I think that some old day font styles especially within the horror genre were slightly over the top and therefore made the film opening appear a bit cheesy, however by keeping the text plain and simple it appeals to a modern day audience and keeps the realism of the film apparent. I have used a typical font size for the opening and have positioned the titles in varying places as they do in professional opening titles, the titles are therefore clear to read and suit the film well. I have used the same front throughout to promote continuity and make it clear to the audience that it is the same film!
Although in films such as 'Mean girls' or 'Angus Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging' a variety of text styles maybe appropriate as the opening titles are within Doodles so therefore promotes handwriting, I do not think that its an appropriate style to use within the horror genre.
As you can see by the style of the text goosebumps it does not create a scary or eery feel towards the film due to the fact the horror side of it is very exaggerated and over the top.
whereas the opening titles demonstrated here taken from 'Dawn of The Dead' are much plainer however much more effective and creepy looking.
Story and how the opening sets it up
My idea for this was to base the story around a 16 year old girl who has been bullied ever since starting school being slightly strange due to her strong belief in the devil and paranormal activity, no one took much notice of her warnings and continued to bully her - distraught and suicidal she takes her life, no one batters an eyelid, no one remembers who she is until her mobile is found and the disturbing paranormal experiences she experienced becomes a reality, as the young girls study the phone they begin to realise 'the wierdo' thats now gone may have been the only one to help them, as they continue to search through the phone more and more secrets become unlocked, more and more evil is released and more and more trouble begins to head their way. From 4 normal lives the girls begin to live a nightmare, reliving Jades life of torment from their bullying, but in a way they would never imagine, and as a 'stranger' calls they begin to realize that their tormenter knows them only too well and wont stop until revenge has been had.
I would call this Devils Calling, and would use a range of footage including footage of 4 girls, mobile phones ringing, strange paranormal activities, I may also include a voice over of the young girl who had been bullied to make it more effective. Images of memories relived would also be added to introduce the setting and also a variety of objects close up to create tension.
There would be not much talking in this film opening to create tension and also enigma about the film, however there would be mobile phone sounds (text message alerts) and also a rhythm in the background to make it more tense. The titles within the production would be basic text to fit in with the modern films connotations today.
I would vary the shots used within this film opening alot with close up of mobile phones to establishing shots of the graveyard where she Jade has supposedly been buried.
I got my inspiration from this film from a few horror films such as sority row - due to the fact there is a group of girls used within this film who have done wrong in there life, it is also along the same lines as saw due to the fact that the people who have caused other people problems have to pay for this in an unimaginable way - however my film will not be as gory as this!
There would be not much talking in this film opening to create tension and also enigma about the film, however there would be mobile phone sounds (text message alerts) and also a rhythm in the background to make it more tense. The titles within the production would be basic text to fit in with the modern films connotations today.
I would vary the shots used within this film opening alot with close up of mobile phones to establishing shots of the graveyard where she Jade has supposedly been buried.
I got my inspiration from this film from a few horror films such as sority row - due to the fact there is a group of girls used within this film who have done wrong in there life, it is also along the same lines as saw due to the fact that the people who have caused other people problems have to pay for this in an unimaginable way - however my film will not be as gory as this!
This was my original idea and as you can see there are a few aspects I have changed form this such as the name of my film for example, however I have kept the main plot the same and feel that it has turned out better.
The opening titles for my film idea sets the film up nicely due to the fact that it is left as a clif hanger at the end of the film opening, you do not know what has happened to the first girl/victim and therefore leaves the audience wanting to know what happens. From the ending of the film opening the film has many ways of starting, from a police investigation promoting the fact has has died, or maybe with the girl continuing to cry, there are many possibilities.
Genre and how the opening suggests it
The genre for Divine Decree is horror, this is shown in many ways throughout the film opening and uses many typical conventions of other horror films to promote this.
Firstly the dark and dull colours used witihn the opening strongly promote that it is not going to be a happy and jolly film due to the fact that certain colours such as black, grey and dark colours promote bad things such as death, lonliness, darkness etc which are commonly used in horror films. And even when the opening sequence does brighten up and become daylight it is promoting a negative situation of bullying, and even here an invert (negative) effect has been placed on to create an eery, uneasy and un-human atmosphere.
The setting within Divine Decree is very rural and again this is a common feature used within the horror genre, the rural and quiet area connotes a sense of danger and isolation from other people, the darkness then adds to the mystery of what could be watching the girl therefore causing tension and uneasiness.
The music playing within the back ground of Divine Decree is another common give away that it is within the horror genre due to the range of notes being played and the instruments used within it, the tones and long pauses used within the music really do create tension as the music builds up, and the notes within it seem almost unnatural however the other tones used within it sound as if someone is breathing down your neck - therefore relating to the title of the music - Right Behind You.
The constant ringing of the mobile phone suggests that Divine Decree is a Horror film due to the fact that the ringing continues until the girl picks up, however despite the phone being left abandoned the person on the other end knows who they want to talk to and know who they are talking to suggesting that some one is watching constantly, this happens in a similar way to how the phone keeps ringing within the film when a stranger calls.
The camera angles also suggest that the film is a horror due to the fact there are a few following shots and also POV shots, where the victims appear to be constantly watched and followed even in the evening which is not something that many people would like to happen to them, again this allows the audience to put themselves into the situations of the characters and enables them to build a relationship with them.
How characters are introduced
The characters within Divine Decree are introduced relatively quickly, within the first few moments of the film opening the first character is introduced through walking in the dark to answer the phone, enigma is created about this character at first due to the fact we do not know who she is or why she is randomly answering the phone, her face is un recognizable due to the dark setting and he fact she has her hood up, however, once the phone has been answered we learn more about the character and the fact that she is the one in trouble now, from this the other 3 characters are introduced including the voice on the phone - however the audience do not know this yet, the other girls are introduced via a bullying scene where the girl from the first scene is also re introduced as a bully. Although all the main characters are introduced there is still a sense of mystery created about the characters because of the fact we do not see them for very long to understand their personalities.
Special Effects
Although i have not used many special effects within my opening titles I have used a few such as Slow Motion and and Invert (negative effect) I have used these because I feel they worked eery well with the atmosphere i was trying to create, the negative effect portrays a un-human tension and in the context it is in within my film suggests that someone else is watching the girls due to the different visions created. The slow motion used puts emphasis on the girls walking away promoting the fact they are being watched and clearly are the targets. I gained my inspiration for the negative effect from the film Arlington Road - this looked really effective and spooky here and after remaking Arlington Road I felt that it really did make features that are not scary generally scary.
Many of these effects are used commonly within many horror films.. for example
- Arlington Road - http://www.artofthetitle.com/2008/04/03/arlington-road/
- Dawn Of the Dead - http://www.artofthetitle.com/2008/06/30/dawn-of-the-dead/
- Blade 2 - http://www.artofthetitle.com/2008/03/31/blade-ii/
- 6 Feet under - http://www.artofthetitle.com/2008/04/14/six-feet-under/
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