Monday, 20 September 2010

Cityscape clip

To create this short clip of London’s cityscape I used adobe premiere pro, it was my first time in using this soft ware and therefore it took some getting used to meaning that although I am pleased with how this clip turned out I can also see what I could do better in the future to improve the quality and also quantity of this piece. I like how the pieces of footage within my piece all tie in together quite nicely relating back to the footage before and also after the current one. I like how I have used an establishing shot at the beginning of the clip to show where the setting is, I have then added titles which help to show and promote the different attractions within London – I think that I have done this well because they are in time to the correct slides. I am also pleased with how the beat of the music ties into the movement of each slide – at each strong beat and point of the music the footage changes via a range of transitions which I chose and from then placed in appropriate places within the footage, resizing and editing it if it was needed.  I mainly used dissolves within this footage and cross dissolves because I thought this looked very effective, as at points the footage looks superimposed.  My favourite part of the footage its the transition between the tower bridge and the red buses because of the cross over and the superimposition, I also like how it gives the effect that the buses are crossing the bridge I have just focussed upon. I also like how the bell within the music ties into the close up on Big Ben and then again on Big Ben from the low angle shot. I also like how I have edited the length of each piece of footage to tie into the music and how I used the razor tool to make cuts in parts of the footage such as at the beginning within the establishing shots to show only the footage I wanted to.
However if I was to do this task again, I would ensure that all transitions were well flowing due to the fact that one transition between the medium close up of the buses and then the extreme close up does not match the pace of the music as well as it could. I would also add more to this piece and add more titles to make it more apparent what things are and also so I could get more used to using premier pro. I may also use the razor tool to make more cuts in the footage to add effect, I would also slow the final piece of footage down or add another one to match the slowing of the music.  I may also include a larger variety of transitions and vary the lengths of the footage to make it more interesting. But overall I am very happy with my first attempt of using adobe premier pro.

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